Andy has 30 years of experience in Municipal, County and State government and is part of the third generation of a south east Oregon ranching business family.
He was the elected Sheriff of Malheur County in Oregon for the last 15 years of his public service.
As the Managing Member of Bentz Solutions, LLC Andy is pleased to offer his skills and talents along with independent team members to assist you with any of your needs. His passion is the development of people and organizations that fit the true definitions of Stewardship. Which is to “leave everything and everyone better then you found them.”
Andy has experience with Organizational Reviews and Assessments, Public Policy, Board Membership and Chairmanship, Conflict Facilitation, Governmental Relations Management at the Local, State and Federal Levels as well as being an accomplished Trainer for Leadership and Management. He has clients in the Mining Industry, Telecommunication Technology Field, Bio-mass Energy, Public Affairs and Marketing, Habitat Improvement, Economic Development, Juniper Removal as well as Private and Government Sector Training.